Friday, April 3, 2015

Windows 8 vs OS X Yosemite

Hello guys, and welcome at another post,

Today I am going to tell you my personal experience between Windows 8.1 and OS X Yosemite, I know that Windows 8.1 is slightly older than OS X Yosemite, but I didn't have the opportunity to test Windows 10 yet.

Lets start with user-friendliness, because I think that they are both doing a good job. I think everybody agrees with me when I say that the original Windows 8 was horrible. I couldn't even find the configuration screen, but luckily with Windows 8.1 this was fixed. I really like Windows 8.1, it looks very stylish and better than Windows 7, but it works really similar. I've really enjoyed using Windows 8.1, and and thats coming from an Apple fanboy. The user-friendliness is also good with OS X Yosemite, it works almost the same as every other version of OS X. I really like this, but it was getting very boring, because every new operating system looked almost the same. I mean, sure some icons changed but the dock hadn't changed since OS X Tiger. With Yosemite they brought the Tiger design back for a little bit. The docks are very similar, Yosemite has some better looking icons, but it hasn't have a sort of floating effect compared with the older OS X 10.9 Mavericks.

I really like both looks, Windows looks very nice and stylish, but its more squired and boring but boring in a good way. I like the fact that they left the tile system in it, but again… I think everybody agrees with me if I say that it wasn't very useful for desktop computers and laptops without a touchscreen. Yosemite changed almost everything, I mean you can see that its OS X but every icon changed. They even removed iPhoto, and replaced it with Photo's. For me this is a minor change, because I didn't use iPhoto, and I probably will never use Photo's as well. The best part of OS X Yosemite is the black theme, you can download it, and this changes the look of you're desktop completely. Normally your toolbar is gray, but its black with this theme. It sounds not very spectacular, but it looks very different, once you're using it.

I am a Mac fanboy, but I'm not a Windows hater, so I think that every operating system has its ups and downs, but just because I'm used to using Mac, I would choose Yosemite. Thanks for reading, if you'll have another opinion, leave a comment, because I'm very curious about the opinion from other people.

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