Saturday, April 4, 2015

What I hate about Apple and Apple fanboys

Hey guys and welcome to another post,

Today I want to talk about something different. It is the fight between OS X fanboys vs Windows fanboys. It irritates me when people say that something is better because thats not true in my opinion. I really like Windows, and OS X and both operating systems are freaking me out sometimes. Lets take Windows for example. I'm not made for using Windows, in about 3 months, I'll have a virus, I don't now why and how I've got it, but its there. With Mac I hate the fact that you can't play a lot of games on them, and that on a certain point, they are forcing you to upgrade. A Dell laptop from 2003 will perfectly run Windows 7, which is still supported. Lets take an PowerBook from 2003, can't run OS X 10.5 Leopard, which isn't supported for like 4 years now ore something. I'm running this blog with my cousin, he's using a pc, and I'm using an 2008 MacBook, and I can't even run OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, but a HP laptop from 2008 will run even Windows 8.1 without problems maybe.

Another fact thats bothering me about Macs, and especially the 2014 Mac Mini is the fact that you can't upgrade anything. They've removed the quad core processors, you can't add 16 GB of RAM, and if you'll take my dads Mac Mini from 2011, its using 16 GB of ram, and a terabyte of storage. You can buy the new Mac Mini with a terabyte of storage I think, but you can't upgrade it and thats a real shame.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on Apple, or any fanboy. Thanks for reading, the post about Windows, and Windows fanboys will be uploaded this week.

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