Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How AppleMacintoshBlog started

Hey guys and welcome at another blogpost.

I've written a blogpost about my computer history, and how I've started using OS X and I wanted to to let you guys now how AppleMacintoshBlog started.

It all started with my PowerMac G5, in 2011 I think. I've created this blog because I was bored, and I didn't want to game all the time so I started blogging. I was blogging in Dutch for about a year, and I was posting one time a week, and sometimes I wasn't posting in months, because blogging is fun, but its even more fun to see that people visit your blog, and all of that started when I started blogging in English, I was posting a lot, but I had to give it up, because I was getting bad grades at school. So I studied a lot, and when everything was going well on school, I've started blogging again, but not so much and motivated as I am doing today.

Not so long ago my cousin wanted to blog to, and I said yeah sure, so I made him co owner of AppleMacintoshBlog and now we are writing posts everyday, and upload two times a day, six times a week. And I have to admit, blogging together is much more fun than blogging alone, because you can talk about the blog, and write posts together. Since we are blogging together we've seen the pages views getting higher and higher, and today we've had 45 page views. Its really fun to see that people are actually looking at your posts, and if you want to start blogging, just start, and keep doing it. If you keep doing it, people will visit your blog eventually.

Thanks for reading, I hope this post inspired you to start a blog yourself, if it did, good luck!

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