Friday, April 24, 2015

OS X Tiger vs Windows XP

Hello guys and welcome at a comparism of two operating systems. We're going to do a versus battle between Windows XP and OS X Tiger.

OS X Tiger
OS X Tiger runs really reliable, and the software that is still supported for it runs great, but there is one huge downpoint to OS X Tiger. Its not supported, so a lot of apps aren't available anymore. Even Skype isn't available for OS X Tiger. I really like OS X Tiger, and I've used it for years, so I have quite a lot of experience with the operating system, but if you're using a Mac with Tiger as your daily driver, I would highly recommend you to get an upgrade, so you can use the newest applications again.

Lets move on to websurfing. Its a disaster, a lot of websites give you something like this message: Your browser is not supported, please upgrade your web browser. Or something like that, and its so irritating, because some people don't even want to upgrade their operating system or computer, but well Tiger is very old now, you can see by this example: New computers are running OS X 10.10 Yosemite, PowerPC Macs are running 10.5 Leopard, 10.4 Tiger or lower.

Windows XP
Compared to OS X Tiger, Windows XP is very useable, Google Chrome is supporting Windows XP untill the end of 2015, maybe longer. A lot of computergames are still supporting Windows XP, and you can download a lot of programs on it that are really useable. Its just like Windows 7, but older, and alltough Windows XP lost support in April last year, it still works really nice after a year. I'm defenitly going to upgrade to Windows 7 at the end of this year, and I already have the instalation CD, but I just don't feel like it because Windows XP is doing fine, and I really like using it. And the funnest part is, it brings up old memories, because my first operating system was Windows XP.

So I think we all know that Tiger is really reliable but it lost support years ago, and a lot of programs aren't available for it anymore. Windows XP on the otherhand lost support just last year, and alltough thats a huge amount of time in the tech world, it still works fine, and a lot of the newest apps are still supporting Windows XP. So if you've got Windows XP, and want to upgrade, sure its possible, but you can easily wait a month or three doing it. If you've got OS X Tiger, I would highly recommend you to upgrade, to enjoy the best websites without irritating messages which are saying: Your webbrowser isn't supported.

Thanks for reading, hope you've liked the post.

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