Saturday, April 11, 2015

Android, WindowsPhone, BlackberryOS or iOS?

Hey guys and welcome at another post,

Smartphones are a very big thing in 2015, and there are three operating systems for smartphones out there, Android and iOS are the most common, and almost everybody has a smartphone with Android or an iPhone.

Windows Phone looks great, but I think it is a waste of money, there aren't a lot off apps for the Windows Phone, it was difficult to find some applications, it just didn't feel right, when I've received a picture through Whatsapp, it duplicated the picture, so I had two and sometimes three of them. And the worst part for me was: I couldn't get used to it. I've used Android on my smartphone, and iOS on my iPod Touch and iPad, but I've never used Windows on a phone.

BlackberryOS looks awesome in my opinion, and I like the design of some Blackberrys, but you didn't heard anything about Blackberry until the release of the Blackberry Passport and the Classic. I've did a lot of research on BlackberryOS because I've almost never used it, and I learned that there aren't much apps out there for Blackberry, you can't even download Instagram on Blackberry, and thats a huge shame because almost everyone knows Instagram.

I really like Android, you can find many apps in the Google Play Store and everything was really easy to find, installing an update was easy, finding settings and changing them was easy. The only problem I've experienced was that I couldn't move apps to my SD-card, but thats probably the phone and not Android. I really like Android, and it is very easy to use in my opinion.

iOS is really user-friendly, until iOS 7, and its so irritating that they are forcing you to use iCloud, but apart from that, I really like iOS, it works smooth and apps are very easy to download and/or buy. It has a nice design, and I really like iOS 7 and 8, because I am using iOS since iOS 5, and after two years staring at a screen with the same design its nice to have something new. I have experienced some problems when I wanted to sync my iPad with my PC, and I don't know if this is a Windows problem or a iOS problem, but I was really disappointed to see that, I own a MacBook, but sometimes I like to use my pc, and to not being able to just sync your iPad with it, is a real disadvantage in my opinion, and I don't now if I am the only one having this problem, so if you have this problem, or not leave a comment!

Thanks for reading everybody!

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