Hello guys, and welcome at another post,
Today I am going probably piss of some other fanboys, and I'm going to explain what I hate about Windows. Just as I said in the post: What do I hate about Apple and Apple fanboys, I don't hate Windows entirely, and I don't hate any fanboy. So lets get started.
Lets start at the fanboy problem, because always almost on every Mac review, a Windows fanboy comments: Windows is better, Facebook machine, waste of money and a lot of those worthless comments. My question to those people is: Why? Why are you watching a review of for example a MacBook Pro, and leave a dumb comment. And don't get me wrong when an Apple fanboy does something like this, at a pc review it irritates me just as much. Another thing that really irritates me is the facts that some of the Windows fanboys are just feeling so high-class just because they spend lets say a thousand dollars on their pc, instead of four thousand dollars on a Mac Pro, and then say: My pc has the same specs and I've just paid a thousand dollars for it. Its so useless, because people who buy a Mac from four thousand dollars could, could have bought a pc with similar specs for a thousand dollars, but they didn't because they want to use OS X and not Windows.
And then you'll have the drivers, I know this is just my pc, but I'm always having problems with the driver of my wireless card, and it drives me crazy, in fact, I just gave my 400 euro pc away to my dad, because I really hated that thing. Another thing that really irritates me are the viruses, and I now that if you'll have a good virus-scanner that this problem is as good as over, but I've never even bothered to look for a virus-scanner for my MacBook.
Thanks for reading, and leave a comment, if you'll have a question, or just want to share your opinion.
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