Friday, April 24, 2015

Adobe Photoshop CS5

Hello and welcome to a new post, in this post I will tell you something about Adobe Photoshop and my opinion about it.
First I will start with my opinion about it, I really like it because it works very nice and  it is easy to learn, also  you can do almost everything with it, you can make the craziest thing with it and I really like that.
 Adobe Photoshop is as the names also says a Photoshop program/software. I work with it for the fun, but I will work more with it in the future.
As you can see on the picture you can change the colors and you can make nice looking banners,wallpapers and background stuff.

I make much backgrounds and wallpapers, because I like it to work with 3D letters and I like it to have a nice looking own made background so I can say to people: ''look at this, I have made it by myself''. and I haven't to say to people: ''Look at this, I found it on the internet''.
This background you see on the picture I have made it by myself. and I really like it. 

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