Thursday, April 16, 2015

Info about my future trip to Gambia and the cinematic

Hello and welcome to a new post, in this post I will tell you something about a trip to Gambia next year.
 I go to Gambia next year and I and a few friends will make a kind of cinematic about the landscape of this country. For this cinematic we will use a Go-Pro and a photo camera. I will ask my cousin to borrow his video camera, but I'm not sure I can borrow it of him.
With my school we will take a look of a other cultuur. Also we are going to organize a sportday. On this trip I haven't got wifi, so I can't upload that week, but  when I'm back I will write it to you guys, also will I show you guys the cinematic,

I hope this was a interesting post and I hope  you will folow me on this trip and when I've got wifi I will give you some updates.

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