Friday, April 17, 2015

Do yo need to upgrade to 4K?

Hello guys, and welcome back at another post,

Today I want to talk about the difference between 4K and 1080P resolution, and do you need to upgrade.

Almost everybody has a Full HD television these days, I don't know anyone who hasn't, and 4K is on the market for not a very long time actually. A lot of people want to upgrade, and if you can afford to upgrade, do it. 4K looks really nice, it looks a lot better than Full HD and you can notice the difference easily. If you're struggling to get the money for a 4K television, or just can't afford it, simply just don't do it. Full HD looks fine to, and for the people who use a television for actually watching television, you're not going to need the upgrade. Almost every cable company in the Netherlands isn't supporting 4K, and most movies aren't shot in 4K either, so unless you're a huge gamer, and like to game in 4K its not worth the upgrade in my opinion.

I'm a huge gamer, and I want to upgrade, but I'm not going to do it because 4K televisions are just so expensive, and my Full HD television works great and delivers very nice picture quality. I'm definitely going to upgrade next year, or maybe even in two years. It depends, is 4K really useable for most things or not, when it is I'm going to upgrade.

I hoped you liked this post, if you did leave a +1. And what is your opinion about 4K televisions, if you want you can leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

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