Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What do I prefer? A good Desktop PC or a good laptop

Hello and welcome to a new post, in this post I will tell you what I prefer, a Good desktop PC or a good laptop. also I will say sorry because I didn't upload yesterday, because I was sick.

 This is a really easy question, I prefer of course a good desktop, just because you can run heavier programs and its faster than a laptop.
But if I can buy a good laptop with a 17'' screen I do that. because a laptop is portable, and that is very easy for school, but also for my future job.
Which laptop do I prefer? the Macbook of course, but a macbook isn't available at a 17'' screen so that is maybe a bit unfortunate.

The desktop PC I want is an Acer predator, just because its a nice looking PC and it is a beast of a PC, a friend of mine has a Acer Predator, and he can play almost every game with high settings. So as you can see on the picture it has a nice looking case. These are the specifications of the €900,- version of this PC:

  • processor: Intel core i5-4460 quad core 3.2GHz
  • 8GB Ram
  • SSD 120GB
  • Hard Drive 1TB
  • AMD Radeon R9 255 2GB
  • Windows 8.1

As you can see the specifications are very nice and that makes this a great PC. 

Thank you for reading this post, and I hope you will also read my next post.

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