Saturday, April 11, 2015

Call of Duty Black Ops II

Hello and welcome to a new post, in this post i will tell you my opinion about Call of Duty BO2.

I really like the game, it has (for that year) nice graphics and a really nice gameplay. I'm a big fan of the bots game mode, so you can game with your friend on one console.
 The multiplayer of the game is nice too, but I don't like to play online, just because there are often hackers in a session and than I doesn't like a match. Also I really like the custom gun classes, so you can make a gun class that you like, and so you can make your own good class. I use most of the time the M27, just because I like the shooting range of it and the nice accuracy.

I'm not a big fan of the zombie game mode, because it's to fake, I really like FPS games, but it has to be realistic. when a fps shooter looks realistic you can feel the game, but when the game isn't realistic I can't feel it, and that is what I want of a nice shooter.  In game I really like it when you were hit by an enemy you see the blood in your screen, that gives the extra feeling of the game I think. 

I hate to play BO2 on the PC, just because when you have a mouse in your hands with FPS games it isn't feels nice, with a controller you can move in your chair to change your view on the game, but when you have a mouse in your hand you have to sit on your bureau, and I like to move when you play a fps game. 

I hope you liked this post, and of course I hope you will read my next post too. 

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