Friday, May 15, 2015

Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8

Hello everybody and welcome at another post. Today I am going to give my opinion about 4 different versions of Windows starting with XP and ending at Windows 8, I want to make clear that this isn't a hate post, its just my opinion.

Lets start with Windows XP. Its the first operating system that I've ever used, and back in the day I really liked it, its very nice to work with, but it is an old operating system. Windows XP was known for its reliability almost every Windows user used Windows XP back in the day, or are still using Windows XP, and I don't blame them for that because its a very cool operating system, and its doing everything great still in 2015 in my opinion, and personally I think its a huge shame that Windows XP isn't supported anymore. Because a lot of applications are dropping Windows XP to, so I think that in two years from now, the operating system is just what OS X Tiger is now, and thats pretty useless for most tasks.

A lot of people say that Windows Vista was a horror to use, but I've never had any problems with it, but when I used the operating system I wasn't al that into computers. I just used my computer for Youtube, school, e-mail and MSN. I didn't like the operating system, but I didn't hate it either. It always ran smooth for me, and the design was really nice at the time. After a while I did get trouble with Windows Vista, my ethernet didn't work really well, and everything was just slowing down. At the time I didn't had a SSD of course, because with a hard drive thats getting fuller and fuller every time its usual for your machine to slow down after a while. When I installed Windows Vista again it worked great. But if your still using Vista now I highly recommend upgrading to Windows 7, the requirements are the same, if not less, and its much more reliable.

Windows 7 was the first operating system that I've used seriously. I started programming on Windows 7, and I was using my computer more often. I was trying to write story's on Windows 7, and I just really enjoyed working with that operating system. In my PowerMac G5, Windows 7 time I was really getting interested in technology, and partly because of Windows 7 this blog started. I really like the operating system, and I use it almost everyday. One of the main reasons is because the school computers run Windows 7, so if I have to make a project for school, I'm doing it on my pc just because I'm sure that it will work because its all Windows. It sounds a bit weird, but I'm sure you all know what I mean. Windows 7 could be my daily operating system, and I think it will be my daily operating system if my MacBook breaks, because I have a tight budget and can't splash 1500 euros on a new MacBook Pro.

Windows 8 is the worst operating system ever in my opinion, it was more touchscreen based, and for people with a keyboard and mouse it was just irritating to use. I'm going to tell you something and that isn't a joke. I had to search Google to find how to shut down the computer. I really hated Windows 8. My brother is using Windows 8 on his laptop, and I just can't figure out how its possible to use, he does everything on it. I'm sure it will work great for some people, but I love simple operating systems, like XP, Ubuntu and OS X. And Windows 8 is everything but simple. So when I gave it a month, but after that month it just kept feeling strange so I downgraded to Windows 7 again.

So again, this isn't a hate post to any version of Windows, I'm just telling my personal experience. Let me know in the comments which version of Windows is your favorite. Thanks for reading and until the next one.

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