Monday, May 4, 2015

Building a computer yourself

Hello everyone and welcome at another post, a lot of people want to build their computer themselves, and thats actually very smart. In this post I'm going to learn you some tips, and tell why its clever to build a computer yourself.

To start with, its mostly cheaper to build your own pc, and you can make it very awesome. You can give it liquid cooling, cool light in the computer, the best graphics card, and the best processor. You can make it however you want, depending on your budget. Its a very fun thing to do, because you start with just random pieces of hardware, and get a pc out of it. I've build a computer once, and believe its not as hard as it looks like. And if you don't know what to do, use Google or Youtube. I'm sure the answer is on there somewhere.

The case is one of the most important things, because without a case, its going to be very hard to build a computer. There are a lot of cases out there, so there are a lot of enclosures you could choose from different brands. but for the those who are interested, here's the link of my case:

There is one very important thing, make sure that your hardware matches together. For example: Buy a motherboard and a processor with the same socket, otherwise the build won't work. Its very important to make sure, that everything works together, so before you're going to buy al your parts for your build, make sure to do some research first.

Cooling is very important, because without cooling your computer will overheat. Keep in mind that you'll need to order fans, and cooling paste. You can use liquid cooling instead of fans, and this is very handy because your computer is very silent, but if you want to combine liquid cooling and fan cooling its also possible. Its very important to choose your hardware wisely, not just because what I said earlier, but also because if your going to build a gaming pc or at least a powerful pc, you want it to work properly for lets say, the next for years. So don't be cheap, just choose what ever looks good, and will be useable for the next few years.

The graphics card is one of the most important things of your build, especially if your a gamer, so choose your card wisely, and its alright of you spend a little more on the graphics card, because if your a gamer, its very nice to play the next few years, all your games on high or ultra settings. I really like the fact that you can change every piece of hardware if your building a pc. I don't like the fact that you can't call customer support if it breaks, because you can't send your computer back for them to repair it. You'll have to do everything yourself, which is fine though, if you like building computers.

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