Thursday, May 7, 2015

Apple Mac Mini project part 5

Hello guys, and welcome at another blogpost. Today I want to finish ranting about my Mac Mini project. After this part, I'm going to save up some money, and start the project. Saving money isn't very easy, but when I'll have another job it should go easier. So in this post I'm going to cover every last bit.

As I said, I'm going to build a shelve, just because its easier. I'm not sure of keeping it that way, because maybe if I get an Intel Mac Mini for my server, I will upgrade to a server cabinet from steel, and nice fans in it to keep everything cooled. The reason why I want to do shelves is because its more easy, and when I'm testing everything I can just reach it from my chair.

I said I was going with 4TB of storage, but thats a little to much, I don't need a lot of space. My daily driver is a MacBook with a 200GB SSD in it, so for backing up my computer even 500GB is good. The reason why I want 2 or 3TB is because I want to store my music, movies, photo's, video's all that sort of stuff on the server so I can access it whenever I want to but when I need to download something on my computer I won't have to worry about my own hard drive space. I could of course upgrade the hard drive in my laptop, but I aren't going to just because I don't need to. So I'm going with 3TB, and if that isn't enough I can always upgrade.

I saw a video the other day about a huge hard drive enclosure. It supported 4 hard drives, and I'm thinking about getting one, because it looks very cool. I didn't do a whole lot of research on them, so I'll have to figure out if everything works, but if it does it would look so cool. I'm hoping to screw this drive in a nice position, so I can access it whenever I need to, but that its not in my way. I'll have to figure that out, because its not really important. I'm going to buy 3 separate hard drive enclosures, and see how that works for a couple of months.

The reason I'm building a server is because I want to back up my computer wirelessly, and to have more free space on my hard drive. And the server is not just for me, of course some things will be protected with a password, but the movies and music, is shareable for everyone in the house. I already have an Apple TV, so when I'm going Intel I can just stream the music or movies to my Apple TV.

So these are the reasons for my server, if you're building a server let me know because I would love to see how you've got everything setup. If you've got any questions live a comment, or sent me an e-mail. Thanks for reading!

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