Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Some Setup updates.

Hello and welcome to a new post, in this post I will tell yo some updates in my setup and I will tell you what I will buy in a year.
My current setup is a little bit different than my past setup because I use my laptop now as second Pc in my setup, so now I have a Pc with screen and a laptop. The laptop because when I play on my PS3 I can search for something without switching between my HDMI and VGA port.
The setup I will make about a year is with the next things:

  •  MSI GP60 2PE 230NL Leopard Core i7 4710HQ
  • Innox IVA 08 USB Broadcasting Microphone stand.  
This are the only two Things I will buy for my new setup, the first thing I want is the MSI laptop, so I can change my current Pc for the laptop because the laptop is a lot faster than my current Pc.
 As some of you know I have a Studio Microphone, and it is really useful when I have a broadcasting stand, so that is the reason I will buy one. 
When everything is ready I will make a new setup post, so you guys can see what my setup is. 

I hope you have enjoyed and I hope you will also read my next post.

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