Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Just some rambling

Hello everybody and welcome at another fresh post at the Apple Macintosh Blog.

I was watching some videos on YouTube and as I was searching for some fun video's I stumbled upon a video called: Can your Mac do this or something like that. And this guy was just telling arguments that aren't even true. So I'm going to write two of his arguments down here, and after that I'm going to tell you guys the reason why I think these are just simply not true.

1: Can your Mac look as cool as this pc with a custom case and awesome lighting…
2: I bet your Mac doesn't boot up in 18 seconds…

Well to start with I think Mac's do look cool the way they are. I like a simple computer, I've got a pc, and I bought a simple case for it just because I don't want all the lights distracting me when I'm working. And I was literally laughing my ass of when he said: Can your Mac boot up in 18 seconds, I bet it can't. Well my MacBook boots up in 14 to 16 seconds, from pressing the power button until my desktop. So I commented on the video that he should do research first before he makes a stupid video on YouTube thinking his computer is the most powerful computer on the world. This is not a hate post to his pc, actually any pc, and his channel. But it irritates me when people upload videos without knowing if his arguments are facts or really things what he thinks.

Second, I want to post more often on the blog, and I'm starting today. Don't expect a post everyday, but once or twice a week. The reason why I wasn't posting the last 2 months are because I had to study very hard for my tests, but I passed them all, so I can blog more often.

As always, thanks for reading! And until the next one.

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