Thursday, July 23, 2015

Panasonic Toughbook CF-29 challenge (part 1)

Day 1: 15 July 2015:

The first day working with the Toughbook wasn’t to bad actually. I thought that I needed to download a lot of different applications to have everything working properly but it seems that everything is still supported for Windows XP and considering that Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP in April 2014 it really surprised me that I could download all my needed applications any trouble. I still need to download Photoshop CS3 and I’m wondering how this is going to run. It still runs fine on my Mac Mini G4 so I think I don’t have a lot of trouble with Photoshop. Browsing the web is a bit slow at sometimes, but it could be worse. As said earlier, a lot of applications still support Windows XP, and downloading and installing Mozilla Firefox wasn’t any problem at all. All of the pages seemed to load without a problem, and there weren’t any problems at all. Even Twitter and Facebook worked fine. I’m am really positive about the performance of this computer for now.

Day 2: 16 July 2015

I did some serious work today, I wrote out some possible future plans for the blog and I wrote some posts, and it worked fine, starting Word takes a bit time, but I can live with that. Doing some research online works perfect. I have 2 internet access points one having 5G capability and I was very surprised seeing that my old Toughbook could connect to that 5G network. Its so much faster then my regular network. So when I connected to my 5G network internetbrowsing worked really smooth, even faster as before. When I had to travel to the other part of the city I tried to put it in my bag in to fit, I even had some space for boxed juice and some snacks. My bag was a bit heavy compared when I’m traveling with my MacBook but that’s not a big deal because I’m already used to carrying 20 pounds of textbooks around every schoolday. The Toughbook worked the whole day without charging. I’ve got around 7 hours of batterylife out of it which is great in my opinion because now I know I can safely work all day without looking at the battery percentage. So actually, there weren’t any problems at all today.

Day 3: 17 July 2015

I was very busy today with writing posts, and editing some pictures. Adobe Photoshop CS3 works flawlessly, and it is not very different compared with Photoshop CS5. I don’t miss the special options because I use the standard options mainly. I still got a problem with the sound driver, and I really don’t know how to fix this, so playing some old games isn’t an option. I thought I was really going to miss my MacBook, but this isn’t the case at all. I really love my MacBook but its nice to work with something else. I really want the sound to work, so I hope I can figure it out soon but until that time, I have to use my MacBook for the tasks that require sound.

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