Monday, July 6, 2015

A blast from the past: OS X Tiger

Hello everybody and welcome,

Today I want to talk about OS X Tiger. I hear you think: Tiger? Yes Tiger, its very outdated but if something is outdates it doesn't means its useless right? So lets find out in this post.

OS X 10.4.11 is an old operating system, but it is the most solid operating system I've ever worked with, and I used for a long time. I loved Tiger so much. It runs better then Lion in my opinion. I don't know why but it seems to run a lot faster. And the funny thing is, my MacBook has a SSD, and the Mac mini where I used Tiger on had a regular hard drive.

Lets move on to Yosemite real quick, not for a ''blast from the past'' review, but from the point of design. If you're a Mac user and you've used Tiger, then Leopard, then Snow Leopard, then Lion… You'll get my point, then the dock looks very familiar to you. I don't know how to put it but the dock isn't displayed in 3D anymore. Its just flat, just like in OS X 10.4.11 A.K.A Tiger.

But lets get over to the real point of this post, is it still useable? Well its not really unusable, but you its going to take some time to get everything running so you can use Tiger. For the most apps it doesn't matter if your Mac is Intel or PPC based, but the newest and most secure apps won't work on Tiger anymore. Safari is very outdated, and won't load most of the websites properly. So if you want to browse the web, you will need to search for a different browser which is still supported.

You can easily process word documents, spreadsheets and so on. I know it still supports Microsoft Office 2008 and iLife 09 so in those perspectives its still a very useful operating system. Photo and video editing is a different story on the other hand, there are some applications out there, but most of them are outdated. My dad used Photoshop CS3 for years on Tiger, so I know thats supported but if you don't mind working with outdated software it shouldn't be a problem.

Actually to make a long story short, Tiger is a very solid operating system, and I love it. But you have to be realistic here. Its very old, and for some people this isn't a problem, but if your young, and just want to buy your first Mac, and if that Mac runs Tiger, buy another install disk for Snow Leopard or higher, because most apps are still supported for Snow Leopard. And just some advice. Tiger mostly comes with PowerPC Mac's. If you want to use your computer on a day to day basis, you'll better keep looking for an Intel Mac or pc.

So I hope some of you learned for this, and the most of you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and until the next one.

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