Thursday, February 4, 2016

Are the 2006-2009 MacBooks still useable?

Apple has brought out a lot of MacBooks over the past years, and one of the most iconic MacBooks are the original one's from 2006 until 2010. Today, I am going to tell you why these laptops are one of my favourite laptops ever made.

The build quality of these laptops is absolutly amazing. Sure it gets scratched up over the years, and the plastic is going to break at some places, but thats to be expected. I've used my 2008 MacBook for over 2 years as a desktop replacement so it was running a lot and it has never crashed. The screen could have been better, because the colors are starting to give a yellow tint after a few years, and the keys are getting a bit mushy to but its still useable.

OS X Snow Leopard is one of the best operating systems out there, because its very stable and it has never crashed on me. When I was running Lion on my MacBook the fans would go crazy at idle and when I reinstalled Snow Leopard it all acted normal again. And Snow Leopard has still support, and a lot of developers are still making apps for it, so its still useable. You can still use it for day to day tasks like Skype, e-mailing and watching video's but if your doing a lot of processor or graphicscard intensive stuff I wouldn't recommend this computer because the hardware is old. But for normal tasks these laptops are really great, and mine has served me well over the years.

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