Saturday, October 17, 2015

Changing my setup!

Hello everybody, and welcome at another post.

I wanted a new setup for a long time now, and I've been posting about it a lot really but its finally going to happen. I'm getting a new desk, and not just a regular desk. I'm going to build the desk with my dad. The length of the desk is 2 meters, and that is the whole width of my room. So I will have a lot of space for my setup. I'm going to build it from some nice wood, and I'm going to mount in on the walls, and I'm going to put two nice gray industrial style legs in the middle. I do have some LED strips lying around so I'm definitely going to install those underneath the desk.

This isn't just a setup for me, I'm turning 16 in a few months, and using computers had become a huge part of my life, and I use computers for everything. I'm following a class called ITTL on my high school, and I need Photoshop a lot, and with a regular worn out 13 inch laptop screen it can be difficult sometimes. The screen of my MacBook isn't the worst display to look at, but when zooming in a lot, its just a bit annoying. Luckily for me, I've got an Full HD LED iiyama Prolite 2482HS which works wonderful, the colors are very nice and clear and its a matte display and I like those better then regular glossy displays. The only downfall right now is that I can't use the display because my desk is to small, so I can't use my MacBook as a desktop computer. But that's all going to change very soon.

Because this is going to be my first real nice setup, I'm going to think everything out within the littlest details. I am going to manage my cables real nicely, but I don't have a clue how to do that. The cable of my speaker is just going to be zip tied to my leg I think, and the cables of my laptop, monitor and speakers are going to be hidden behind my heater, and I'm hoping this will hide almost every cable until I came up with a more permanent solution.

I am planning of buying two second hand 20 inch Apple Cinema Displays and the new Apple Wireless Keyboard and Magic Mouse to improve my setup. The iiyama is a wonderful display but I actually want to use that as my television so I can just play some games on my PS3 when I'm not behind my desk, and I just love the design of the Apple Cinema Display, the aluminum of
those displays will look very nice on my new desk, my future Mac Pro, and the new keyboard and mouse I'm going to buy. I don't really know when everything is complete, the desk is build very soon, the Mac Pro will be bought in December or January, and I have no clue when I saved up the money for two new displays but I will post updates about the progress regularly.

Unfortunately I can't post pictures about the desk because I haven't build it yet. But
Thanks for reading, and until the next one!

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