Saturday, October 17, 2015

Changing my setup!

Hello everybody, and welcome at another post.

I wanted a new setup for a long time now, and I've been posting about it a lot really but its finally going to happen. I'm getting a new desk, and not just a regular desk. I'm going to build the desk with my dad. The length of the desk is 2 meters, and that is the whole width of my room. So I will have a lot of space for my setup. I'm going to build it from some nice wood, and I'm going to mount in on the walls, and I'm going to put two nice gray industrial style legs in the middle. I do have some LED strips lying around so I'm definitely going to install those underneath the desk.

This isn't just a setup for me, I'm turning 16 in a few months, and using computers had become a huge part of my life, and I use computers for everything. I'm following a class called ITTL on my high school, and I need Photoshop a lot, and with a regular worn out 13 inch laptop screen it can be difficult sometimes. The screen of my MacBook isn't the worst display to look at, but when zooming in a lot, its just a bit annoying. Luckily for me, I've got an Full HD LED iiyama Prolite 2482HS which works wonderful, the colors are very nice and clear and its a matte display and I like those better then regular glossy displays. The only downfall right now is that I can't use the display because my desk is to small, so I can't use my MacBook as a desktop computer. But that's all going to change very soon.

Because this is going to be my first real nice setup, I'm going to think everything out within the littlest details. I am going to manage my cables real nicely, but I don't have a clue how to do that. The cable of my speaker is just going to be zip tied to my leg I think, and the cables of my laptop, monitor and speakers are going to be hidden behind my heater, and I'm hoping this will hide almost every cable until I came up with a more permanent solution.

I am planning of buying two second hand 20 inch Apple Cinema Displays and the new Apple Wireless Keyboard and Magic Mouse to improve my setup. The iiyama is a wonderful display but I actually want to use that as my television so I can just play some games on my PS3 when I'm not behind my desk, and I just love the design of the Apple Cinema Display, the aluminum of
those displays will look very nice on my new desk, my future Mac Pro, and the new keyboard and mouse I'm going to buy. I don't really know when everything is complete, the desk is build very soon, the Mac Pro will be bought in December or January, and I have no clue when I saved up the money for two new displays but I will post updates about the progress regularly.

Unfortunately I can't post pictures about the desk because I haven't build it yet. But
Thanks for reading, and until the next one!

Friday, October 9, 2015

My ultimate setup for 2016!

Hello everybody and welcome at another post,

In three months from now I will own my first Mac Pro, and my current setup is well, a bit simple. I was thinking, maybe its a good plan to give my setup an upgrade as well with the most important thing being the desk. The desk I'm currently using is just a simple white table, with no drawers or anything. I seriously want a new desk, but my room isn't the biggest, so after some serious thinking I decided that a corner desk is the way to go.

My computer screen doesn't necessarily need an upgrade, its a full HD Iiyama Prolite, 24 inch with one VGA port, one DVI port and one HDMI port, so the screen isn't my biggest concern, but it would be nice to own an Apple Cinema Display 23 or 24 inch, and an Apple keyboard and mouse so I have a complete Apple setup. I will buy a Cinema Display somewhere in 2016, because I love the design of those monitors and a Cinema Display will look very nice because the desk I'm buying is going to be white.

Cable management is something I really want to improve when I have a Mac Pro, because its a desktop, and it requires a lot more cables than a laptop. I only have around 5 cables plugged in to my laptop now, so there's not a lot to manage there, but a desktop computer requires a lot more cables. Luckily most Ikea desks have cable managements trays underneath the desk, and if they don't I'm just going to buy the Ikea Signum. The Ikea Signum is a bracket, where you just throw all of your cables in, and they're out of sight. There will be some minor changes as well, I'm going to get a broadcasting stand for my microphone so it isn't taking space on my desk all the time, and I'm probably going to get a new speaker system, nothing crazy, probably just a 2.1 set.

Unfortunately I didn't had any important to tell, but I did want to post something. I do hope to have this setup done in September next year. Of course I'm posting updates about the Mac Pro, and the change for my setup.

Thanks for reading, and until the next one! 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Apple Mac Pro talk

Hello everybody and welcome at a new post,

Today I'm going to rant a bit more about the Mac Pro, the reasons for me buying such a big desktop, and my Apple history because I thought that would be fun to include as well, so you guys can see which Mac's I owned in the past.

In a previous post I mentioned ditching the Mac Pro 1.1 idea, and getting a 2008 Mac Pro. Guess what, I'm ditching the 2008 Mac Pro just because I don't have a real job yet. When I turn 16 I can get a good paying job and save up money for a newer and better Mac Pro. I'm going to another school in about 2 years, and in that period I need a lot of horsepower, and in two years I definitely have the money to buy another Mac Pro. For now a 1.1 will do the job. I need more horsepower then my MacBook can deliver, don't get me wrong its a wonderful machine and it keeps up fairly well with the machines of these days but its just not strong enough to do the tasks I ask it. I've got some new classes now and for one I need to use Photoshop and Final Cut Pro and thats why I need another computer. I always wanted a Mac Pro, but my MacBook was doing everything I asked from it, but now I need to do a lot of thing with it, and of course my MacBook just doesn't have enough power. The MacBook is still a wonderful machine, and I will be keeping it for when I travel but after 2 years I just felt it was time for something more powerful. I'm just hoping to get 3 years out of the Mac Pro so I can save up enough money to order a brand new one from Apple, but we'll see. Once I get the Mac there will be a lot of upgrading done so that should be interesting.

A Mac Pro 1.1 is fairly outdated by todays standards, and some of you may be questioning yourselves, why would he spend his money on a computer thats outdated. Well to start with, I don't have a lot of money because I'm to young to work a proper job, and I'm just not feeling spending an extra 300 euro's on a computer when I can get a new desk, an Apple wired keyboard, a Magic Mouse and a secondhand Cinema Display for the same price. The 1.1 will do all that I ask it to do, and the support is not terrible I guess. Yeah its outdated and it can only run 10.7 Lion but I'm using Lion for almost 2 years now and it never crashed on me. If I ever want to upgrade to 10.10 Yosemite or 10.11 El Capitan thats possible and its fairly easy. I just need to buy some more RAM for the machine, depending on how much is installed when I purchase it, and I need to upgrade the graphics card, then I have to change some files and boom. Its ready to run Yosemite, and at that time maybe even El Capitan. So as said before, the support is not terrible it can technically run the newest operating system with some tweaking here and there.

So as I am getting new Mac soon, I thought it would be fun to include my Mac history, so lets get to it. I started with a Mac Mini G4 which I still own because its a very special machine to me It was my first Mac, and that machine changed my life basically, because that computer made me got interested in computer and all sorts of different tech. After the G4, I've upgraded to a PowerMac G5. It was a 2005 PowerMac G5, and I don't remember the specs, I just know that it was the top of the line model. Back then this computer was way to expensive for me but luckily my dad bought a new computer so I got his PowerMac, and it felt like that thing could fly. It was so fast at the time, and especially for a child of my age, I really loved that thing to pieces, but one day it got an error. So I threw it away, and I feel so dumb for doing that because about two months later I found the solution for this error. No, it wasn't the operating system, or a broken hard drive. It was the Airport Extreme which I've never used in my life on that machine. I just had to unplug it from the motherboard and it would run perfectly again. So yeah, always do your research before throwing any broken computers out. But lets move on to the Mac I'm using now. A 2008 MacBook 4.1, the top of the line model with a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo and 4 GB's of DDR 2 memory. I love this Mac to pieces and it has done everything I wanted it to do for the last 2 years now, and once again, I'm not upgrading because my MacBook is broken or to slow, because it can handle all day to day tasks, and its really fast if you stick a SSD in it, I just need some more power.

So thats is for this post, it is a long one, but as I'm not posting a lot these days, I thought lets write a long post this time. Thanks for reading and until the next one!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Building a pc

Hello everybody and welcome to another post.

As mentioned in the last post, I am building a pc for my brother, just to make clear I am keeping my promise, I haven't spend any money because my brother is paying for everything but as he doesn't know anything about computers I am building his pc.

Its an AMD build with an AMD Radeon R7 240 with 2GB DDR3 VRAM from Sapphire, an AMD FX 8350 Black Edition with 8 cores and 4 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, an Asrock 970 Pro3 R2.0, a Kingston 120 GB and a random 1TB Western Digital HDD I had spare in one of my drawers.

So the build was very fun. It was my first real build and it went almost flawlessly, I had a few problems here and there, but nothing really serious, actually configuring the hard drive correctly was the hardest part. I was lucky to have an old Pentium 4 pc, because my the case of the computer is my Antec Three Hundred gaming case with my Corsair CX600 power supply and he is also using my RAM and well we missed some screws and that sort of stuff. The graphics card wouldn't fit correctly at first, but after some fiddling around I got it to fit nice and tight.

Everything went flawlessly and with everything installed the computer works and it hasn't crashed once. It plays GTA V and the Elder Scrolls Online on Ultra, so that's very nice. I am going to do a benchmarks challenge with this pc against my future Mac Pro 2008 8 core. We all know the outcome already but I think it would be fun for a post.

So thats it for today, thanks for reading and until the next one!