Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Macbook Air

Hello and welcome back to a new post, in this post I will tell you something about the apple macbook air 13''.
http://www.macbook-adapter.nl/image/data/Afbeeldingen/macbook%20air.jpgThe Macbook Air 13'' with 256GB saving capacity is a really nice laptop, despite the 1.6GHz CPU, because the maximum of the CPU is 2.7GHz and that is enough for video editing and photo editing.
This laptop has 4GB ram, a 256GB SSD and it has a Retina display, so for $1,199.00 it is a really good laptop. 
I think I will buy this one and not the macbook pro because the specifications are almost the same, only the Ram of the Macbook Pro is bigger, but I can upgrade the Ram of the Macbook Air and than I also have a really nice working laptop.

Thank you for reading, this was a short post, as you know we don't post regularly. I hope you have enjoyed and I hope you will also read my next post. Bye.

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