Saturday, March 1, 2014

Mac or Pc?

Hello guys.

Today I am going to tell you why you should buy a Mac or a Pc

Well lets start. I'm not saying that Mac is better than Windows or that Windows is better than Mac. You have to ask this question to yourself first. Do I need a computer for reading e-mail, surfing on the internet and checking your FaceBook and Twitter. Or do I want to edit photos videos and music?

Thats a important question because the cheapest Mac is the MacBook Air. For the ones who don't now anything about computers. The MacBook Air is a laptop and not a desktop computer. The cheapest version from the MacBook Air is $999.99.- so its not cheap. It has a tiny screen from 11 inch, an Intel Core i5 processor 2.6 Ghz with Turbo Boost, 4 GB of memory and 128 GB of flash storage. Not a great computer for photo editing, video editing or music editing. And you can't upgrade the RAM and hard drive. If you want to know why, you have to look for answers on YouTube. So if you want to do some HEAVY editing work this is not the computer for you. There is another important question actually. Do you want a desktop computer or are you a student or traveler and do you need a laptop. If you need an laptop you have to buy the MacBook Pro. Its a very powerful laptop and this should be good for normal video, music and photo editing. You can use programs like PhotoShop and Gimp without any trouble. I you want a desktop, there is the Mac Pro, the Mac Mini, and the iMac. And than there is another question... Do you want a all in one computer or just a real desktop with a monitor and the computer itself separate from each other. If you want an all in one you have to buy the iMac. Its a very powerful machine to but there is difference in screen size to. Do you want a 21.5 inch screen or a big 27 inch screen. If you really want to edit some stuff you should choose the 27 inch screen. But it depends on your budget and your likes. Because of you have a small desk the 27 inch iMac is a little to big for you I think.

There is also the Mac Mini. Its a very small computer and it fits on every desk and it looks great with a Apple Thunderbolt Display and a Apple Wireless keyboard and Magic Mouse or Trackpad. Also this computer is great for video editing and photo editing but it depends on which version you choose. And I forgot to say, look on the Apple website for more information.

And than we've got the Mac Pro. Its a cylinder and very small. This looks great with an Apple Thunderbolt Display and Apple Wireless Keyboard and Magic Mouse or Trackpad. Its very pricey and its cost the most of all the Apple computers but its very powerful and this one you can use for very HEAVY editing. Its a very nice computer and if you want to buy this computer think about it because its a lot of money you're paying

And finally we're at the part of the reasons why you have to buy a pc.

Like i said before a Mac doesn't have to be better than a pc and a pc doesn't have to be better than a Mac. If you are a pc gamer DON'T BUY A MAC. There are not so much games made for Mac so by or build a pc. You can also video and photo edit on a pc but the a lot of people prefer the Mac for such tasks. Personally I don't like Windows but I don't hate. I just prefer a Mac, because I like the way it works. But you can do all the things on a Mac as you can do on a Windows. Its just what people prefer to use. A pc is cheaper but the build quality is not so good. Because everything is from plastic. You have some pc's and pc cases that are made from aluminum or something. Something from high quality. But the Mac is made from aluminum and that feels and looks very nice. And there is not much to say about the pc because most people who own a pc build them himself. Of course you can buy a standard HP computer but that choice is to you, and it depends on your tasks. For checking e-mail surfing the web and checking social media a standard computer suits you just fine but for gaming or photo editing you have to by a gaming pc or build one yourself. And what I like from pc is that you can change everything from it you can change the processor, you can change the motherboard and you can change the casing. But my point is. First think about your tasks, than think about the OS. Do you like Mac OS X or Windows. And than search for a computer that suits you!

I hope you like this posts, and remember I don't hate Windows and I don't Mac so don't fight on this blog about what is better. Because nothing is better, its just what you prefer!

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