Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dream setup updates

Hello everybody and welcome at another post,

This post is a quick update post, because I have some plans for the setup, and I've found a new way to afford it. I've got a job at Mc Donald's so I can earn some money to buy new things for my setup. Now that I've got a job I can buy more expensive things, and buy everything faster. I will still be buying a Mac Pro 1.1 but its going to see some upgrades. I'm defenitly upgrading the graphicscard allthough I'm not sure which brand and wich model. Later this year I will upgrade the two 2.66 Dual Core Xeons to two Quad core Xeons, which makes a total for eight cores.

The 1.1 is an older machine, and I'm perfectly aware of what I'm buying but if in spend some money on it, it will be a powerfull machine which wil suite my needs. My current MacBook will be upgraded to somewhere in the new future, I'm thinking of buying a MacBook Air 2011 of 2014. In my older post I mentioned something about buying a MacBook Pro, but I've grown older and wiser and I've learned that paying for things you don't need is just stupid. Sure the MacBook Pro's are nice computers, and they are very fast but I just don't need a very powerful machine so the MacBook Air will suite my needs just fine.

So this was a quick update on my setup, and next month I've saved up all the money to buy the Mac Pro so stay tuned for my review and opinion about it. If I find something interesting to write about I will defenitely do it, but if I don't my first post will be around Christmas.

Thanks for reading, and untill the next one!

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