Saturday, September 26, 2015

Mac Pro and setup

Hello everybody and welcome to a new post!

As I mentioned in the previous post, I am going to buy a Mac Pro 1.1in December or January, but its not going to be a 2006 Mac Pro. I've got my eye on a 2008 Mac Pro 8 Core because this model of Mac Pro is still supported by Apple and can run OS X Yosemite without any modding. That's one of the reasons why I'm going to buy this Mac Pro, but I also want and need a lot of power because the end of my high school days are coming to an end, and that means that I'm going to start my next study which has everything to do with graphics design. One of the reasons that I choose this school above all the others is that they're using Mac. They even say on their website that its recommended to buy a Mac instead of a pc, but you can still buy a pc if you want to because those are generally cheaper.

I have a lot of plans for this Mac Pro, like upgrading the RAM to 16 GB and upgrading the graphics card, so it has enough power to edit video's and using Photoshop without to much of a hassle. Newer than a 2008 Mac Pro is probably to expensive still, but we'll see, maybe I'll find a nice deal on eBay or something.

My setup is going to change drastically when I purchased the Mac Pro because I'm also going to get a new desk and a 24 inch Apple LED Cinema Display, wired Apple keyboard and the Apple Magic Mouse. Because when I turn 16 I can work a lot, and that way I can earn money. I'm 15 right now and I'm already applying for jobs to fund my needs, and that's also the reason why I am able to have more money to spend on my computer and thinking back it was actually really stupid to even think to buy a 2006 Mac Pro. Yes they're still generally powerful, yes they're really reliable but one of the biggest reasons of me buying a Mac Pro is the capability of using the newest operating system to use the latest applications. And buying a 2006 Mac Pro doesn't make sense. Yes its more powerful than my MacBook, but it also isn't supported like my MacBook so yeah.. Mac Pro 2008 8 core it is.

I'm am building a pc by the way, not for myself but for my brother, so I won't lose any money but I think its fun to write about the specs and my first real pc build in another post. But apart from that I'm really look forward to owning a Mac Pro and I'm not going to spend any money on tech until the Mac Pro. So with this all said I think its time to end this post, so thanks for reading and until the next one.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

New computers, plans for the future.

Hello everybody and welcome at a new post. I know that it has been a very long time, and I'm sorry for that, but a new year at high school has started, and I need to really concentrate on school. But with that out of the way, lets start with what is in my eyes a very exciting post!

So my birthday is coming up, and I'm turning 16 which means that in the Netherlands at least, I am allowed to work. Not full-time off course because its illegal to quit school until your 18. But as I am going to get a job soon, it also means that I'm going to earn some money to buy some new equipment, including a Mac Pro 1.1.

I know the 1.1 is a bit outdated by todays standards but I'm trying to make it work. I'm turning 16 in 4 months so I have a lot of time to do my research, but as I am already filling up in information since May this year I'm pretty sure that the Mac Pro is worth it for me at least. I will be getting the base model with  2x Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz Dual Core, which make it a Quad Core combined, and I will be upgrading the RAM to 10 GB as soon as I purchased the Mac. I am going to upgrade to graphics card eventually to run Yosemite, and maybe even El Capitan depending if developers had created something which makes this possible. The reason for me buying a 2006 Mac Pro is because they are dirt cheap and I think it will serve me well for at least two years, and this is the only thing I will be asking of this machine. Because when I turned 18 I'm done with high school, and I finished my MBO 4. (MBO 4 is some kind of college, but it takes 3 years to complete) and after that I can work full time as a graphics designer, so I can save up money for a brand new iMac, but thats for another story.

As I said, the Mac Pro's 1.1 are dirt cheap and me being on a tight budget and needing something more powerful then my MacBook this seems like a good temporary choice, I don't need a very powerful machine at all. The only considerable heavy tasks I'm going to throw at it are Photoshop, and Final Cut Pro once in a while. My MacBook handles this fairly well, but I also want a desktop computer. I all ready have a Apple wireless keyboard, a Mighty Mouse and a 24 inch full HD LED display but I can't use those with my MacBook because my desk is to small and I don't like to cram everything on a tiny desk. With the Mac Pro on the other hand, everything fits perfectly, and thats why I want one so badly.

So until that time I will post some post about regular things, like upgrading my pc, with some things I have already have so I won't lose any money on it, and every bit of money I earn is going straight in to the Mac Pro piggybank.

So thanks for reading everybody and until the next one.