Friday, January 22, 2016

Some big changes!

If you look at my post dates you can see that I haven't been posting a lot lately, and I wanted to change that for a long time, but I just was to busy with important stuff. But I'm back. I'm going to post 2 days a week, and I want to post about different things. On Tuesday I am going to post about portable tech so I'm going to post about smartphones, tablets and laptops, and on Friday I'm going to post about computer related stuff like operatings systems or new computers.

I do want to change the name of this blog, because I'm not going to post only about Apple, because I really started to like Windows and Android to. The interface of this blog will be completly different, I don't know how I'm going to do it but the current interface is just messy and its starting to feel really outdated. The biggest change is that I will purchase a domain name for this blog next month, and I'm going to give my blog an completly different name, I have I'm thinking about a few names but I have to see if those names are already taken. This blog will get its own logo as well, I'm going to design it myself and I already started actually.

The reason why I'm going to change a lot about my blog is because I love to write, but I want to publish it so the whole world can see it and I think that almost every content creator out there really get a special feeling if they know that people enjoy their work, and I'm not getting that feeling right now.

Thats all I have to say for now, thanks for reading and until the next one!

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