When I was browsing the web the other day on my MacBook using Google Chrome, I’ve got a small pop-up saying that Google Chrome is basically dropping support on OS X Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion and I thought to myself, I need a new laptop.
The Mac Pro is my main machine now, and its running OS X El Capitan flawlessly, but my laptop isn’t capable of running El Capitan, not even with some modification like with the Mac Pro. There will be a time that almost every developer drops support for those operating system just like what happened to OS X 10.5 Leopard. Don’t get me wrong MacBook from early 2008 isn’t getting to slow for my needs, the lack of support is what worries me, and that is the biggest reason why I am going to save up some money for a new MacBook.
I’m thinking about saving up for a MacBook Air 13 inch, the MacBook Pro is just to expensive for me, and I don’t want to pay for power that I don’t need. The only thing I’m doing when I’m away from my desk is some light photo editing, browsing the web and responding to e-mail. The 11 inch MacBook Air is cheaper, and would be more affordable for me but the screen size is just to small for me, because I like to have multiple applications open side by side, and even on a 13 inch screen it can be irritating some times.
If I’m going to buy the MacBook Air brand new from Apple’s website I’m going for the base line model with the RAM upgraded from 4 gigabytes to 8 gigabytes because thats just more future proof. However buying a used 2014 MacBook Air is way cheaper and I don’t have a big budget because I’m still going to school so I can’t work full time.
If you have any suggestions for me, let me know in the comments. If I saved up the money, should I go for a brand new MacBook Air, or a used 2014 MacBook Air?